Sunday, July 21, 2024

What! No Zucchini?


The Mister has a friend who has a big garden. Every year he goes away on vacation for a week and tells The Mister to help himself to whatever's ready to be picked. We got these beautiful eggplants, peppers and.....

....tomatoes but NO zucchini. I never heard of such a thing. Everyone always has way too much of it, right? I usually make a giant pot of ratatouille with all of this goodness.

Lucky for me, the Farmer's Market had one little basket of mixed squash left when I got there at 9 am yesterday morning.

On Saturday night I finally got my giant pot of ratatouille....and it was definitely worth waiting for.  


  1. That looks good! If you were a little closer I would be putting zucchini on your doorstep every night. We have far too many (but no tomatoes yet).

  2. Tomatoes are my garden weakness. I can't ever seem to have enough.

  3. I love ratatouille! It is too cool here for both eggplants and peppers, but I'm a little bit hopeful for zuccini and tomatoes!

  4. I've always heard the same thing about zucchini... but so far I've only got one. It's a HUGE one, but just one. My cucumbers on the other hand - I have waaaaaaaaaaaay too many of them!
