Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Wednesday WIPs


The Gray Blobs are progressing nicely. Light gray blob is getting an icord bind off being done to its front bands and dark gray blob is still having its double knit front band worked on. 

I actually cast on socks this week. Two pair of Pairfects in the same design but different colorways. I needed some travel knitting. I was just about to cast them on when The Mister got ants in the pants so I packed everything up and got it done in the car while I was waiting for him to come out of the hardware store. 

I've got yarn to wind up.... I can make this for the new addition due to arrive in the fall. It's the Sheepish Little Sweater by Melissa Kemmerer. I'm not in a big rush because I'm making a toddler size. Newborn sized things are not very practical so I'm resisting the urge to knit a tiny little thing as much fun as that would be. 

And....on the home front it was painting trim day. 

While The Mister was busy putting nails in things I also painted the inside of the heat pump closet. I am ashamed to say that in the 30 plus years I have lived in this house I NEVER thought to either paint it or clean it although I did give it a vacuuming once in a while. What a disgusting mess it was. 


  1. The gray blobs are getting closer to the finish line, and I love the toddler sweater! I'm not sure how you are resisting dropping everything and casting on that adorable sweater immediately. (Maybe the baby needs a hat for the fall if you want to knit something tiny.)

  2. I love the two new sock projects! But that new grands' sweater is perfection!!! Enjoy!

  3. You had a busy day. I just love that little sweater. It is hard to avoid making all of the tiny things isn't it? I have to admit, it the 20+ years we were in our new house in Spokane, I never painted the utility room where the furnace, A/C, water softner and laundry were. You're way ahead of me.

  4. That will be a darling sweater for the new addition!!

  5. I do hope the blobs will be stored away together; I'm so used to seeing them as a pair.
