Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday


Woo hoo...I got another of the border boxes done on the Spring Patchwork. It's the top one. This has been my least favorite of the four seasons to work on, in spite of the little pink sheep, so I'm glad to see it getting finished.  Having said that, I still need to stitch the lacy edging before I can move on to another season. 

It doesn't look like it but I swear I worked on the tree sampler. There's a million teeny tiny things that have to be stitched on so it looks pretty much the same as it did last week in spite of my efforts. I did start the saying on the bottom just so I could see some progress happening. From now on I'm going to stitch one letter for each day I work on it. 

My tiny stitches on Dear Jane are adding up. The top is D2 and it was a lot of fun to put together. You can't say that about a lot of these blocks because some of them are just awful. The bottom one is C4 and it got latticed. 

On the home front, we got the tile for the laundry nook put down. I do the laying part, The Mister does the cutting. Now we have to let it sit for a day or two before we can grout it so we'll go back to the laminate floor installation and get the hallway finished. It's supposed to feel like it's 108 out there today so I'm fine with staying in and getting stuff done. 


  1. The tree sampler is so cute - lots going on there!!

  2. I think I'd much rather stay inside and stitch than lay tile, but I admire your persistence! I'm looking forward to seeing what the saying is on the Trees sampler.

  3. It's definitely been indoor projects for me lately! My garden is sadly neglected!

  4. I llike all the stitches and the floor is happening!

  5. I'm a sucker for cross-stitched letters and words. As wonderful as the whole tree sampler is, I'm entranced by the "The"!
