Friday, July 5, 2024

Friday Fluff


Wednesday was a spectacular Tour day. Cav broke a record for stage wins and I got to play with wool all morning without the incessant buzzing of The Mister who was out playing golf. It was a glorious day.

My wasp sting itchies were finally over so I got explore the Cormo/Tussah braid I brought home from the MDSW. It looked very promising but.......

....that black tussah silk overpowers everything else once it's spun. It's rather drab but it's a lovely soft spin so it breaks even I suppose. 

As soon as The Mister was up the driveway I surrounded myself with all my ongoing fiber projects. 

I've been spinning those bags of merino pencil roving for years on the Russian spindle. I dig it out every Tour and add a little more onto my bobbins. One day I'll have enough to ply-or not. It doesn't really matter. It's all about the process.

I even got out this precious little spindle that one of you gifted me. It's a wonderful little toy. Spinning is like meditation to me. I get into a zone and it feels wonderful. 

I could stay in that zone all day. 

It must be in my DNA. My 5th grandmother had a spinning wheel and lots of wool in her possession in 1778. Once upon a time we had a border collie that had never seen a sheep but he knew how to herd. I think it works this way. 


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed your husband's golf outing. You are spinning some lovely fluff!

  2. Beautiful projects to surround yourself with for the day!

  3. I bet that tussah silk will look amazing knit up!

    I am literally feeling your pain about the wasp sting this morning - I just got stung by a poor bumblebee! It is not pleasant!

  4. Everything is wonderful and beautiful, but I read the whole post giggling over "...the incessant buzzing of the mister " 🤣
