Monday, July 29, 2024

Walmart (?) to the Rescue


Since the binding is done on two of the quilts in my finishing pile I've had time to work on some other things that needed finishing around here. 

The Willy Nilly Sock Yarn Scarf has been languishing because of lack of time and yarn. 

I ran out of two colors I really needed and when I went to the Webs website they didn't have the white one in stock. I really, really needed the white one so I was not happy. A Google search told me that Walmart of all places did have some in stock. I didn't believe it but I ordered it anyway thinking I would get an email saying they didn't have it either. It was here in two days. I'm not sure how or why Walmart carries Valley Yarns but apparently they do. Thank you Walmart.

Now I guess I need to get back to work on this too. That next warp isn't going to wind itself.


  1. I never would have guessed that Walmart would have what you needed over Webs! The scarf you're weaving looks really lovely.

  2. Walmart's website works a little like Amazon now - they have "marketplace" sellers that sell all kinds of things you wouldn't think you could get at Walmart

  3. I’ve found some seemingly impossible things at Walmart,too. It seems they are working to compete with Amazon.

  4. So glad you could find the white! It looks great!

  5. Nice job on the binding finishes--I've got a pile to tackle that I keep ignoring! No, I can't believe that WalMart carried the Valley Yarns!!! Good for you.

  6. Like Nancy said, I think that Walmart is trying to compete with Amazon. Super glad that they had what you needed.

  7. Walmart has Valley yarns??? Wow! Who'd have thought??
