Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday

Woo hoo....look what I finished! Village Quaker by Jardin Prive is now in the history books. It only took me three years to finish and that's actually pretty good for me. 

I rewarded myself by putting another oldie but goodie on the frame. 

It's Music Among the Trees by Rosewood Manor and I started it in 2017. I stopped working on it when I realized that I was running out of fabric on the sides but since I don't frame any of these things anyway it doesn't matter anymore so back on the frame it went. I played it very close to the edge on Village Quaker also. 

I made a little Dear Jane progress this week. I latticed one more block of row C and now only have those little triangle edges to cover and stitch on block D2. I'm not exactly meeting my summer goal of one new block a week but with every thing else going on I'm amazed I'm getting this much done.



  1. Congratulations on a marvelous finish. Village Quaker is beautiful!! I like the "Music" piece as well - will be fun to watch your progress on this one.

  2. Village Quaker is really lovely with so many things to see. I also like the trees in your next piece (especially the zigzaggy one) and look forward to seeing more of them.

  3. Village Quaker is beautiful- great job!

  4. I really like the new old stitching of the trees!

  5. Village Quaker is just beautiful!!! I hope it will be framed and not folded up and put in a drawer.

  6. You choose the most wonderful projects! Good for you.
