Tuesday, July 23, 2024

TNT: I've got a Secret


For the past several weeks I've been keeping a secret. I know family members read my posts and I had a BIG secret to keep. I was doing the bare minimum on my other stitching projects so no one would get suspicious because I was really putting all my effort into this. It doesn't look like much because...

....it's been a real challenge. I'm no fan of fill stitching and this is all fill. I've got to use the grid to know what the heck I'm doing. One day it will be Peter Rabbit because that's how Daughter is decorating the nursery for the new addition WHO IS DUE IN NOVEMBER. Daughter kept it all a secret from everyone including me for a very long time and now I've got to play catch up with this birth sampler AND the new little guy's tummy time quilt AND of course a sweater. This will make SIX grandsons. My three kids will each have two boys now. What are the odds of that?  

All my other stitching projects are on the back burner except the seasons. I'm trying to find a few minutes here and there to get them done. I finished the top edging on Spring last week and will be switching back to Summer this week. 

Dear Jane has also been suffering from lack of attention. I did lattice up C5 and started to work on D3. D3 is a nightmare. I've got to applique those triangles down and there's even more crazy doo dads that go in the corner.  It's one of those blocks that make you think Jane was off her rocker which I am now convinced she surely was.

And.....we did get all the new tile grouted yesterday. I always like doing this. Today we should be putting the trim down in the hall section so we can move the furniture back so that we can get to laying the laminate in the big room. Every day we get closer to being finished. I can't wait. I've got baby things to make.


  1. So exciting!! Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations to all! I hope you get that floor finished asap so you can focus full-time on making baby things.

  3. Congratulations!!!!! What fun to hit the baby-things-to-make-trail!!! The stitching looks sweet if complicated! The grout is a good job done!

  4. Congratulations! The perfect half dozen!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I love that idea for a nursery theme!

  6. I did a Peter Rabbit alphabet for my daughter when I was pregnant with her! It's a fabulous baby theme.

  7. A baby! Yippee! There is nothing better than a new grandbaby. I know you'll get all of that baby stitching done in plenty of time. We have all girls and only one boy so far. Hoping for another boy sometime to even things out a bit.
