I have a stash of cheap acrylic yarn in giant skeins leftover from an Aunt who liked to make plastic canvas tissue box covers. This totally fun afghan pattern is perfect for using it up. Muumi and I have the only two Continued Strip Afghans over on Ravelry and her finished one is magnificent. Go look at it. Seriously. Your jaw will drop. She contacted me to cheer me on a few weeks ago and I was completely flabbergasted that she had noticed my humble beginnings. I would be cranking this out like crazy if I didn't have a gazillion other projects in the works because it is just that fun. I have managed to get the second strip and third picked up and halfway knitted. The next step is to keep doing the same to the sides until you get something the size of a bedspread. Really. I am not sure if I will live long enough to get this done but I will certainly have enough yarn. Thank you Aunt Esther and for your sake and mine, I hope there is some kind of yarn crafting up in heaven.
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