Wednesday, July 8, 2009

On the Road with the Surf Scarf

The Mister is on vacation this week so I am spending lots of quality knitting time in the car. I am not on my way to any exotic location or luxury resort. The surf scarf has grown considerably during our many trips to....Walmart. I am especially appreciative to the checker who forgot to put the shampoo and body wash in the cart causing us to have to drive back again (a whopping one hour round trip) to pick it up. Today Home Depot is on the agenda. This baby will be done by the end of the week.


  1. I can't imagine how much you got done driving to the CHEESECAKE FACTORY today!

  2. It was yummy. I had a grilled eggplant sandwhich and their giant mojito. There was sadly no room for cheesecake. I figure I had at least 2 days worth of calories.

  3. at least you're not at work!
