Saturday, September 13, 2014

Java Suds

 I saw a video on You Tube where someone made coffee soap.

 It seemed like a good idea.

 I chopped up some leftover goat's milk base and sprinkled in a coffee measure of The Mister's ground decaf.

 I think I went overboard with the coffee.

 I also forgot to spritz on the alcohol to get a smooth finish. I'm not sure it really mattered with this crazy stuff. Now it has to dry until tomorrow to see if it was worth the trouble.

The little leftover blob I've been using is quite nice. It doesn't smell much like coffee but it's has a nice grainy texture and looks and feels like chocolate chip cookie dough. Interesting.


  1. What ifs are good, right? I can't stand coffee so I am not a good judge of this experiment!

  2. Neat! I bet it would make a nice exfoliating soap!
