Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Birthday Girl

Little Sister's birthday is today and I had a terrible time finding an old photo of her. She was the invisible kid when I was growing up. I was never sure if she actually existed. Thank goodness she did because without her and Middle Sister I would not be surviving the care and feeding of that mean old son of a gun on the right up there. That's Daddio in his heyday and you can see by that smirk what a conniving scoundrel he was-and is. Poor Mom. How she put up with him for all those years is a mystery but we are pretty sure that if there is a heaven, she's up there laughing her butt off at the trials and tribulations he's been putting the three of us girls through. Lord, have mercy.


  1. Families..there's nothing like 'em!!!!!

  2. Great photograph. I have one sister and she's the best. Happy birthday to your little. Dads ... Love em' but let's just say my sister and I feel like we understand you. Strength and more love to your family esp when it gets tricky and tough.

  3. a beautiful couple your parents. and little sister adorable.

  4. Happy Happy to your sister. Im feeling ashamed at my lack of hanging in there with my mean old dad…
    YOU are so good to yours!
