Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Visiting Angels


Off we went yesterday morning to Annapolis to pick up our flooring. I knit on one of the Gray Blob's sleeves on the way up. The way back was a little too crowded for knitting. I ended up with Pup on my lap so we could fit everything in.

While they loaded the flooring up in the back of our Escape, the sky overhead was literally exploding. 

It seems that we were in the flight path of the Blue Angels. They were continually circling over our heads practicing for the air show today. It was deafening but pretty cool to see. 

The Mister wanted some coffee for the ride home so we stopped at a 7 11 that was right outside this little airport. I think this is a very familiar place for Betsy as it might be the airport her SIL flew out of. When she reads this post I'm sure she'll let me know. Pup and I sat on a picnic table and watched more of the Blue Angels amazing maneuvers while The Mister made his coffee. It was a beautiful day. 

When I got home I had this box waiting for me. It's my Mother's Day present from Daughter. She always sends me a Knit Picks gift certificate and I always put it to good use. Those two balls of Chroma are for a kit.

This kit. It's the Glennis Bandana Cowl and I thought it would be a fun mid-winter project for when I need a little color in my life. You know I couldn't resist any colorway called Clown Wig. 



  1. Gorgeous new stash - that cowl is so, so pretty. I remember seeing the Blue Angels so many times as a kid and we took Colin to an air show once. They sure do put on an impressive show!

  2. What a great pattern and plan for the cowl--I think it would be a great winter knit!!!!!

  3. Good luck with the flooring! I hope it goes smoothly and you are happy with it. Clown Wig and those colorful needles look great!

  4. Love that cowl! And what a treat to watch the Blue Angels practice! I hope Pup did ok with the noise!

  5. Ooooh Felicini! I've been toying with the idea of buying a ball or two!

  6. Clown Wig? That's brilliant.

  7. It will be fun to see your finished cowl; it's sure a pretty pattern. The Blue Angels come here almost every year; they are fun to see; but, you are right, they are very loud. They even fly over our neighborhood!

  8. Love the Blue Angels and yes, I do believe that's the airport that our SIL flew out of. They liked how close it was to their house. :-)
