Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Saturation Point


I hit the wall yesterday with the re-do mess. Now that our only clear space is filled with acclimating flooring you can't move an inch without falling over something. The clutter is really starting to get to me and we've got a long way to go. 

I'm still painting all morning before it gets too hot. I'm working my way down the hall trim getting ahead of myself but....... was still better than helping The Mister change out all the electric outlets. I hate doing that. I stand around for hours just to hand him a screwdriver. No fun there.

I have to keep reminding myself I lived like this for 3 years during the pandemic when we ripped out the kitchen right before lockdown. I suppose I'll survive this too. In the afternoons I have been able to do some knitting. Riddari should be finished but I decided to double up the neck so I could fold it and sew it down. The pattern just has it roll with some plain stockinette but I'm not a fan. 

The worsted Gray Blob has both sleeves now. I had to knit the second cuff three times to get it to match. I have no idea what needles I used on the first one so I ended up having to buy a new pair of dblpts just to get the right gauge on the second cuff. 

And.....I've been taking Audun to bed with me in order to get that 8th row finally finished. It's too big to sit in my lap in this heat but a few minutes with it a night under the ceiling fan seems to be working. Two more rows to go. 


  1. Good luck with stepping back from the saturation point and getting a few things finished. Maybe your husband could use a tool belt so he could hold his own screwdriver. All of your projects look like they are nearing completion; keep sitting under that ceiling fan!

  2. Wow! You are so close to finishing those sweaters! What's next??

  3. So many projects! Those sweaters are impressive. And so is Audun.

  4. I feel you on the painting - I have a little more than half of the roof to go but it is not fun!

  5. Your projects are just beautiful. Audum is awesome!

  6. You are making progress on the renovations--it's flooring takes up so much room when it is stacked but where it belongs will look great! The sweaters are near the finish line!!!!! Wow! Who knew Audun was so large!
