Saturday, May 25, 2024

In a Knot


So I was winding my new ball of Felicini into two balls so I could knit two socks at a time and have them match when.....

.....this happened. People, there should be a law. I was NOT happy.

I don't know what the fate of that #&$*#$ Felicini will be but I know it won't be socks now. I did go stash diving and found a reasonable replacement to go in my new bag. Dare I give Knit Picks another try with some Static? We'll see but not today. I'm over the whole thing at the moment. 


  1. Well, that's annoying...and surprising. I've never had that with any KnitPicks yarn.

  2. Either skein is a beauty; sorry about the knot-it's especially disruptive when they change the whole color repeat! Can you knit socks that don't match? (it's hard for me, too.)

  3. Gosh, I'm sorry about that. It's so frustrating but I'm glad that you have a beautiful replacement. The skein of yarn I'm using for the current wheelchair blanket has had 4, count em, FOUR joins in it so far. At least for a blanket it's not nearly as big a deal as it is for socks. So frustrating!

  4. I would have been loudly unhappy, too. That's a big knot!

  5. That makes me annoyed too when it happens. It's hard enough to match stuff without any knots!

  6. Ugh! The dreaded knot! Maybe the Felicini can become a hat?
