Friday, May 17, 2024



First we did this.

And then we did this yesterday. It was the second coat. Today we do the first coat on the trim. 

I still had a little time for some of this. I have 26 blocks finished so far. 

This is the last of the February blocks so as soon as I get that middle hexie sewn together and appliqued down I can start assembling the top. I can't believe I've gotten this far tbh. Just doing the least amount possible everyday really does add up.



  1. How lucky you are to be able to walk by the water every day. Here we are, two sea lovers, landlocked in Nebraska! How did that happen to us again? I know, I know. Family calls and all that! :-)
    I really can't wait to see the February blocks in a quilt top. I love those little hexies.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. bite at a time. The water is so calm! You're making good progress on the painting job!

  3. Your roller picture is reminding me I need to finish painting the sun porch. Im on vacation as of 5 pm today and it's the ONE thing I really want to get done while I'm off. Today would actually be a good day for it (it's raining so I'm not itching to be in the garden), but i have to get my day job stuff done... boooo.

    Love your blocks!

  4. Yay for getting close to the end of the painting!

  5. What I wouldn't do to have a house near a shore...

    It's interesting, isn't it, what we're scared of as children. The flying monkeys never bothered me, but oh those Munchkins...
