Thursday, January 21, 2021

Christmas in January


I've been telling people for years that what I really want for Christmas is a dumpster. Look what showed up yesterday.

I've got my very own soon to be filled up dumpster. Finally we can get all that kitchen debris hauled out of the yard and off the driveway.  Of course we'll have to get another one when we rip out the other half of the kitchen. Hopefully that will be sooner than next Christmas. 


  1. How exciting! A dumpster. When you're remodeling that's a big deal.
    I'm getting a pod when we move. Then they'll put it on a truck and take it to Nebraska.

  2. I could use one of those too! Ther's a lot of stuff we could get rid of...but someone (not me) would be upset if that happened....pack rat....

  3. Oh, lucky you! Really! I could fill one with my DH's scraps very easily! (He buys sheds, fills them, repeat the process over and over!)

  4. I love it! Filling it up and starting anew will feel great.

  5. Don't put any yarn in there! A new kitchen in an year era. I like that idea!

  6. My husband always offers to get a dumpster to clean up my craft room. Such a thoughtful guy.

  7. Have fun moving all the stuff you want gone into this puppy. Our DIL filled 3 of them with stuff when she cleaned our barn! LOL!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  8. That's so funny. My husband has been thinking about starting a dumpster rental business. He keeps going on and on about homeowners needing dumpsters and I'm constantly replying that contractors need them, not homeowners. Guess an apology is in my future. :)

  9. OH that IS so exciting! Get rid of it all!
