Saturday, December 9, 2023

Moving Along


After dropping The Mister off at therapy yesterday morning Pup and I took a walk-a very long walk. Since her hip surgery last year she hasn't walked the entire length of the boardwalk and back but yesterday she was full steam ahead. We did the entire thing and back in 40 minutes. 

It was cold but it was a beautiful morning. I love it when the eastern shore disappears in the clouds. 

And.... afterwards The Mister hobbled into our mom and pop grocer for some bagels and came out with a treat for me. With all his medications he can't drink at the moment but I sure can. Can and will. As soon as that sun set I had a mug of it along with some gingerbread cake I had just made. Yee haw. Let the reindeer games begin. 


  1. That looks like a mighty long walk. Great job for Pup, (and you too of course.) I've never had egg nogg with liquer in it, just the plain. I love it but don't drink it very much. I have too much weight to lose. Dennis likes it even more than I do so I usually get it for him. I may take a sip, but that's all.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Sometimes a long walk is exactly what you need. I'll be doing one with Scout when Tim goes in for a colonoscopy on Tuesday. Not sure there will be nog at the end of it though.

  3. The walk had to do both you and pup some good!

  4. You certainly do live in a beautiful area.

    Enjoy the 'nog, but remember do not drink and knit (or stitch).
