Saturday, September 2, 2023

Rosebud Trellis


I cut my latest towel off the loom yesterday. 

It's an usual pattern and I had a head scratching moment trying to figure out how to hem it. It took two tries.

It has a distinct front and back. It took me a minute to figure out which was which.

Ta's its mugshot. Rosebud Trellis has been washed once and took a tumble in the dryer. It'll take a few washings to get it to settle in but I'm happy with it. 

Yesterday's soap turned out okay too. 

And....this scary looking stuff is some kitchen sink soap. It's the last of the fall soap so I threw everything I had in it using some hemp and avocado oil as a base. It's got a lot of other weird stuff in it like olive and kokum butter so this one is going to be interesting. 


  1. Beautiful towel !!….and I know the soaps are terrific…you stay BUSY!
    Happy Labor Day weekend. V.

  2. That is one beautiful towel! I do love your weaving. :-) The soap will turn out great. It usually does.

  3. The towel is beautiful!!!! Lovely soap too!

  4. The towel looks fantastic!!! The soap will be beautiful!
