Sunday, September 10, 2023

No Rest for the Weary


After my blistering trip home yesterday I had planned to spend the day on the couch but The Mister had other plans. At 7 am he was up and chomping at the bit to go to the Farmer's Market. I was not amused. It was hot. It was humid. I was tired because I was up all night thanks to the diet Coke I guzzled on the highway to hell.

Pup and I camped out in a shady corner of the park gazebo while The Mister went shopping. 

Listening to the many little waterfalls that surround the koi pond eased my crankiness-a bit. 

All that fuss for a few pumpkin whoopie pies. I was not amused. I still had unpacking and cleaning to do back at home. 

At least I didn't have to attend the annual Taste of the Beach event that they were setting up back on our side of the beach. Every year they hold it in the big parking lot behind the water park and it's always a lot of fun with plenty of good food, plenty of space and shady spots with lots of good music and things to see and do. This year, for who knows what stupid reason, they decided to cram all the vendors into an itty bitty parking lot of an all you can eat crab restaurant across from the marina that has no shade and no parking. Even The Mister decided to give it a pass. Thank goodness. The last place you want to be in this weather is within smelling distance of a fleet of crab boats. 


  1. The humidity makes me super cranky too. Hope you got to stay cool and rest for the rest of the day

  2. I'm not good with the humidity either so I completely understand! The socks look like a good accomplishment!
