Friday, September 29, 2023

Ripping and Tinking


We finally got Pup back up on her feet and took her for a short walk in the park across from where we get our grocery pick up yesterday. That should have been prime knitting time but no.....I discovered I had somehow made an extra stitch so I had to rip back the couple of inches I had just knit. After knitting back to where I was, I discovered I had dropped a stitch about 5 rows below. Argh... It was too tight to ladder it down so this I time I tinked back, slowly and painfully on the car ride home. I would blame all this on knit walking but I just did the same darn thing on the two-at-a-time on the same needle socks and I never walk with those. 

I did make peace with the sock and later that night made it its own fallish project bag using some batik scraps. That's my secret to knitting while I walk. These lightweight, reversible Japanese knot bags are perfect for it.

 It took me a while to crack the code but I did and now I want to pull out all the fabric stash and make more 


  1. That is a very cute project bag.

  2. I've been thinking about making one of those cute bags. But that's as far as I have gotten - just thinking about it!

  3. Love the colours in that sock. Glad to hear pup is on the mend too!

  4. I know just what you mean about the Japanese Knot bags---this one is so pretty! And so is the sock!

  5. The sock is looking great and I LOVE those bags. I've asked Alex to find me one in Japan but he never remembers. Where did you find the pattern? It's good to hear that Pup is on the mend. You're good puppy parents to take such great care of her.

    1. I found several tutorials on YouTube but I liked Martha Stewart's from her website the best. It made the most sense to me.


    3. Thank you so much! I'll look it up. Hope you're feeling okay after your vaccines.

  6. Fun socks! I can't quite imagine walking and knitting at the same time! That is impressive as are your projects. Glad to hear pup is feeling better, too.

  7. Usually I just pull the needles out instead of tinking. It’s faster and I don’t get as frustrated. Glad to hear Pup is feeling better. Cute bag!
