Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Into the Woods


On the south side of town there's a little beach that we haven't been to for a while. It was a nice day even though I had a monster of a headache so we took a walk.

You have to go through the wetlands to get to it. I was getting major Dateline vibes. I need to cut back on my

The last time we were there it was fall and it was interesting to see how the landscape has changed since then. While the beach was very different, the cliffs were not. I can't believe those trees up there on top are still hanging on. There are signs saying that you can't walk past that driftwood. They don't want to find you under them when they do come down.

Pup's not a jump in the water kind of dog but she was wet enough to need a bath when she got home. 

Someone's in trouble. We found these cute little shoes in the parking lot when we left. 

Back at home all I wanted to do was take a nap and sleep off my headache but The Mister had other ideas. He wanted to get out his new miter saw and tackle the trim on the closet door. Mercifully, it didn't take long. 

I hope my headache is gone by today. This is what's in store if the weather is halfway decent. We've got big rain heading our way for the weekend so a couple of days where we can open the windows and have some decent humidity would be nice to get this painting done. The sooner we can get the place ready for surgery #2 the better. 


  1. Gosh, you always have so much going on. I don't know how you do it. I know what you mean by too much Dateline. When I was running a fever last week I was sitting in my recliner watching episode after episode of Cold Case and Forensic Files. That's a mistake for someone who likes to go camping! :-)
    Hope the headache is long gone Debbie.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. That definitely looks like a good place to find bodies.... (You're not alone in your dateline obsession!) AND a lovely place for a walk (provided there are no bodies)
