Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Wednesday WIPs


The 8 ply twins are past the fussy heel stage. 

While I was waiting for the yarn match for the sweater, I started a colorwork sock. I've never had any luck with the fit of a colorwork sock but that didn't stop me from trying again. 

From now on this will be known as the Goldilocks hat. First it was too big, then it was too small so it's seen a lot of trips to the frog pond this week. I'm thinking this time it might be just right. I sure hope so. I don't think this wonky handspun can take much more ripping. 


  1. That will be one gorgeous hat - hope the latest cast on works for it! Your socks are really looking good. I've not had luck with color work socks either - always too tight! I'd like to try again though.

  2. Love the sock. I too struggle with colourwork socks. I find going up a needle size in the colourwork part helps a bit.

  3. I like the colors in your colorwork sock. It will hopefully fit someone, even if it's not you. I do hope you've reached the Goldilocks stage with the hat!

  4. I really love how the goldilocks hat is coming along!

  5. Great looking socks! I sure hope the hat is just right this time. You deserve it.
