Sunday, March 16, 2025

Funky Flower


When we were at Daughter's babysitting last weekend she showed me photos of a coaching friend's needlepoint projects. She's part of a group that meets once a week that work on their projects together like a knitting group. Daughter had a project she wanted me to do for her and I had to confess that my needlepoint skills are terrible. I bought this pillow kit ages ago, started it and abandoned it out of shame. 

You would think that just making one half of a cross stitch it would be easy but it's not. My stitches are lumpy and uneven. I don't have the tension right at all but in my defense, it's hard to figure it out with this particular pattern. It's very narrow rows of stitching and I have to change colors too often to get any real rhythm going

I came home fired up to figure this out and went looking for a better project. One that had lots of fill so I could get some meaningful practice in. It took a while but I found this one on eBay. The price of most kits had me in shock but this vintage one was around $20 including shipping.

It's called Funky Flower and I love it. I'll probably make a mess of it but it looks like it will be fun to work on.

And....speaking of funky flowers, my itty bitty Narcissus are in bloom. I always look forward to them showing up. They are late this year. They bloomed on the 1st in 2024. In fact, photos show that everything in the yard was in bloom by the first last year. I guess that groundhog was right after all. It's been six weeks since he popped his head out and things are just starting to do their spring thing. 


  1. That flower kit looks great! I've never tried needlepoint but I'm betting you'll get lots of practice on the orange petals. Have fun!

  2. That first pillow look crazy!

    Love the wee daffies! I can't wait for mine!

  3. Oh I have a needlepoint project abandoned also. I needlepointed some very nice things back in the day. Also whenever you need a new kit you should ask on the blog. One of us surely has exactly what you are looking for and would be happy to gift it on. Any interest in plastic canvas needlepoint (hint, hint LOL).

  4. I have tried that plastic canvas thing many times and failed. If you are not a neat stitcher (I’m not) it’s hopeless.

  5. The needlepoint is another area you will be successful at give a bit of practice! I like the funky flower!
