Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Tiny Needle Tuesday


I only finished four more flower blocks and a bit of border this week on the Garden of Joy. 

The first little piggy is finished and is getting landscaped. 

Dear Jane is progressing slowly. It's terribly fiddly and I have to be in the mood.

I've started sewing down some of the little bits and bobs on The Patchwork of the Crosses blocks. They are also a bit fiddly but not Dear Jane level fiddly, thank goodness.

As for the bathroom, we didn't get around to it at all yesterday. Pup had some odd behavior over the weekend that needed looking at by the vet so we did that instead. $250 later we've got some meds for a UTI. Getting those in her twice a day for a week is not going to be fun. Even chicken nuggets didn't help. 


  1. I’m amazed at all you accomplish, Deb! Particularly like the Garden of Joy, it’s so pretty!

  2. Seeing Garden of Joy on Tuesdays does make me happy! I'm sorry that Pup has been feeling poorly and that you have to add giving her meds to the "not fun" list along with the bathroom.

  3. Your garden is coming along nicely - so pretty and colorful. And...I love your piggy!!!

  4. The stitching is showing a lot of progress! Sorry for Pup's uti; hope the meds do the trick!

  5. All pigs deserve landscaping.

    Sending healing vibes to Pup, and helping vibes to you in giving those meds.

  6. I'm going to break down and order Garden of Joy because I need all the patterns. On another topic, Scout has some urinary issues and she gets a 2x daily potassium citrate supplement. It seems to be helping a lot.
