Sunday, March 2, 2025

It's Too Easy Being Green


It was 60 degrees here yesterday so The Mister and I had a puzzle finishing marathon. We were both tired of looking at the ski village and I need the table for the Juki so I can quilt that big Crazy Thing. We did indeed finish the thing and I should be setting up the Juki today.

I had the Juki in use last week adding more quilting to the little quilt I wanted for the back of the couch in March. I had never quilted the white sashing and it looked puffy and wrong so I did a quick loop de loop down it and now it does look much better. 

My house has now gone from Valentine's day red and pink to green. I even had to dig out my old green Crocs. What I don't seem to have are any green socks. I might need to remedy that. 

And along with Nancy in Wyoming.....


  1. Fun to finish up the snowy puzzle and head into Spring! Fun crocs!

  2. Sounds like a good way to spend the weekend!

  3. I haven’t done much puzzling this winter. I should try to do one before Spring.

  4. Fun times! We've had gorgeous weather here but they are predicting some snow for Tuesday evening. It won't be sticking around so I'm not too concerned.
    I saw a video on FB with a person wearing crocs with little snowplows on the front of them. They were actually scraping off the top of their steps! It was hilarious and I immediately thought of you.
    I've always stood with Ukraine until now, but after researching some behind the scenes things on that meeting, I don't think it was all as it appeared at face value. I'm beginning to believe that Zelinskyy may not be as truthful as people think. In fact, I think he was being a bit devious going into it. I do feel and stand with the people of Ukraine and wish that war would end. It's devastating for them all.
    Blessings and hugs,
