Saturday, March 1, 2025

The First


Ta da....the first of the crocus blooms has appeared. There's no going back now. Spring has sprung. Even a bit of graupel, as March snow is called, won't stop it now. 

Another sure sign is an invasion from the north. You can see the chevrons and hear the constant honking as the geese make their way back to their nesting grounds which unhappily for us is the local marina. 

They make an unbelievable mess on the grounds every spring and every spring the city tries ways to discourage them. This year they've "planted" all these little fox statues to scare the geese off but those geese in my photo are just a few feet from this guy. I don't think Foxy is going to have what it takes but he is awfully cute. Just look at that fluffy tail.

1 comment:

  1. We've had beautiful weather this week but I do know that we'll still have a lot of cold weather ahead. We did go and take the cover off of the camper this morning and put some things back in it. We have camping plans for the middle of April and I can't wait.
    That little purple crocus is so sweet.
