Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Surprise, Surprise!

 Do you know what this is?

 Weavers do. It's something I've wanted for a very, very long time. It showed up at my doorstep unexpectedly yesterday and from the noises I was making, The Mister thought I was having a medical emergency when I opened the box of weaving goodies.  It's a bobbin winder by the way, and those brown things are bobbins. You can just get a peek at the Ashford shuttle in the back. Yowza.

There was even more. Pretty purple Cascade yarny goodness that you know wants to be something spectacular one day.
I have no idea how to thank Mereknits for the all the amazing things. My bloggy friends really are the best of the bestest!
Thanks Mere!!!!


  1. Well, I had no idea what those things were since I'm not a weaver, but, I love, love, love that purple yarn. :-)

  2. Very nice! Enjoy your new toys.

  3. Fantastic! What a joy to have the right tools to enhance the weaving prep! Yippee with you!

  4. Fund, fun, fun and great yarn too!

  5. That is a truly amazing package of goodies! I had no idea there is such a thing as a bobbin winder for weaving.

  6. Awesome! Blog pals really are amazing

  7. So glad everything got there safely. I hope you can use everything. Thank you for your kindness.

  8. How nice! If it's anything like a yarn ball winder it will be loads of fun!!
