Saturday, October 15, 2016


 I did it. I went and bought my first Halloween candy. Not to give out to kids. For me. We don't get trick or treaters anymore, thank goodness.  Before the big night, I used to go through the whole bowl and then have to go out and get more.

In my travels this week I also came up with this cool Halloween glass that is perfect for my Bloody Mary. It's hard to see but that's a big spider at the top spinning a very tangled web. Perfect, right?

I also want to thank Delighted Hands for this beyond spiffy notion bag that showed up in the mail this afternoon. It got here all the way from hurricane ravaged Florida. It arrived at just the perfect time but I can't tell you why until Monday.

Look at that adorable tag. I am swooning with appreciation for all the little details that make this such a nifty gift. There was also something sweet tucked inside but that's for just the two of us to be privy to. Thanks so much Delighted are another of the bestest!


  1. Aren't blogging friends the best? I find that as a whole, we love to give to others. That is a beautiful notions bag. We don't get many trick or treaters anymore but I used to buy candy I didn't like so I wouldn't eat it all.

  2. You are very welcome!
    I love caramels like that...the corn-not so much! lol

  3. Ohhhh fun MOnday news! cant wait. Love your gifties

  4. I do love candy corn. But I'm trying so hard to at least start a diet!

  5. Well now you've done it....I'm going to have to go buy me some Halloween candy!!

  6. You deserve to be spoiled my friend.
