Thursday, January 21, 2016

In the Thick of It

 This was an impulse buy that I now regret. It is Lion Brand's Thick and Quick and I think I hate it.

 I wanted some instant gratification so I went looking for something that needed big needles.

 I wanted a thick, cozy cowl so I did a provisional cast on for 18 giant stitches.

I sat down to watch Downton and quickly remembered how much I hate knitting on big needles. It just takes too much effort. Even worse, it feels itchy on my neck. Ugh.... This may or may not go into time out. It depends on how much snow we get this weekend. Cold and snow trumps itch every time.


  1. I know all about impulse buying yarn lol If it's too scratchy as a cowl could it be a cushion cover maybe ?

  2. If all else fails, you could make a hat or something and donate it to charity.

    Or forget about it and work on something you like ...

  3. Too bad! I can't do big yarn and needles either; once every few years because I forget how much I dislike it! lol

  4. I hate knitting with the big knitting needles too but my chunky monkey crochet hook is a blast. I love working with that thing!!!

  5. Yikes, I just bought a skein of this stuff to make mitts for Keith. I hope I like it better than you did!

  6. donation squareS?????
    Im done with thick and quick too! Socks socks socks

  7. I did something similar - forgot to take knitting on the way to the cottage. So I stopped at Walmart... all I could get was some acrylic... colours are pretty, but I just kept ripping out what I was knitting!

  8. I like the colors in your yarn. Sorry it's not working out.
