If you know anything about knitting cables, you know what I am doing here. I am dropping all the stitches down in one particular 6 stitch section because I goofed up something somewhere. I should have taken a picture of it to show you what I had done before I unraveled but I was not thinking of a post at that particular moment but rather of something much more dark and sinister. After I remembered that yarn doesn't burn well, I came to my senses and remembered that this can be an easy fix when you are calm enough to think clearly.
Happily, it really didn't take much to fix my misaligned cable because a few minutes later I found another one. This time on a 28 stitch cable pattern. That one was a bit trickier but I am happy to say it is all back on the needles and ready to go again. This time I will be checking those cable directions more often.
Here is good tutorial on how to fix naughty cables in case you have no idea what I am talking about.
You are a braver woman than i!