Number Two Son is coming to house sit while we are whooping it up in The Big Apple this weekend.
I've got tickets to Wicked for tonight. On Broadway. I am so excited.
He hasn't been home for the holidays in ages. He lived in Iowa City and then St Louis so I took the time to deck the halls a bit for him before we left.
I am not much of a decorator. I just get the same old stuff out every year and fling it about.
Most of my holiday stuff is the same stuff I've been putting out for years.
The tree is new-to me at least. It was Daughter's cat proof tree and now it is mine. No it's not a real tree. My real trees are outside where they belong. For years we bought a real tree and then planted them outside. When we ran out of room in the yard, I bought a fake one as I am such a ninny I can't stand the thought of killing a tree just to hang shiny crap on it.
My real tree, my beautiful vintage silver pom pom with all its glass ornaments is staying in the box until we get home.
I'm decorating today, so when Dave comes home from work it will all be festive!