I hate, hate, hate, hate picking up and knitting on the front bands of sweaters. I NEVER EVER get them right on the first few tries. I have to redo them over and over to get them to either not pucker up or flare out. I am on try number 3 here with the CPH and I think we have a keeper. I am even starting to believe that putting the buttons on may be a possibility in the near future. I picked these up at the MD Sheep and Wool Fest from Jennie the Potter. The verdict is still out if they are going to work for this particular sweater. I love the buttons but they may work better on a lighter garment. That is the inside front of the sweater that the buttons are laying on by the way. That is why my cables look rather wonky-they are inside out. You think I would have noticed that before I took the photo.
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