Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Tiny Needle Tuesday


Needless to say I haven't had much stitching time this week. It's been never a dull moment around here. On Saturday I did get a few minutes to work on the green mound Cow Pile is balanced on. 

I got another few minutes while the sun was shining to stitch the first of the three pink sheep that go in this section. I've stitched a lot of sheep in my time and this one doesn't look much like a sheep to me. It looks like a lumpy pink blob but I'll hold my judgement until I get all three of them done. 

I spent a few minutes downstairs the night before The Mister's surgery and got two more sails on my big ship. I have no intention of stitching all the sails from the pattern. I'm only going to do the ones necessary. I've seen plenty of tall ships come down the bay and none of them have as many sails as this designer thinks they need. 

And.....after all I've been through this week I decided I deserved a treat so Hen Peck is finally mine. The minute it came back in stock it was on its way here. Of course, I have to finish Cow Pile first. 

I also have to wait for the fabric to show up. I never remember what I am using for this critter series but after some sleuthing I now know it's this. Hopefully, I won't forget because I still have Sheep Heap and Goat Load to stitch.


  1. Love the cute Hen Peck too. I like that series of patterns. So much fun! I started another diamond painting and a shawl today. Call me crazy. In the middle of packing. We still don't have a definite closing date, but they're still staying it should be Friday.

  2. The names of the various pieces in the critter series are so cute! I can't wait to see Goat Load!! Nice to see you've had one or two minutes here and there to yourself. Hope The Mister is improving daily.

  3. I'm glad you got the chickens! They are so cute!

  4. Being a landlocked native, I never would have thought to decrease the number of sails on the tall ship. Looking forward to the Sheep Heap.
