Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Wednesday WIPs


I managed a couple more blue stripes on the Punch Bug Twofers this week.

The Arne and Carlos Pairfect has had its heel turned and is on the way down the foot. 

In the "I can't believe my eyes" category I have the Statics which I couldn't match but look pretty darn matchy matchy to me at the moment. I have no idea how that happened but I have to say I love the colors and texture of this yarn. I may need to buy more. 

Festive Doodle has come to an interesting colorwork section and is starting to look more and more like the sweater it will someday be. My only regret with this one is that I stuck to the designer's colorway and I think this could have been a really spectacular use of all my leftover Palette in crazy random colors. Right?

And finally, I got two more pattern repeats done on the thrummed mittens but I'm afraid I managed to knit a hole in my finger this week so progress will be slow going for a while. A small piece of electrical tape works wonders but maybe it's time to give my poor fingers a rest. Compulsive stress knitting is apparently dangerous for the digits. 



  1. Oh dear! Sorry about the finger issue. Hope it is feeling better soon. I'm loving all your socks.

  2. Ouch! I tried to quilt my ring finger with the long arm the other day (a couple good holes right down the side) and all I could think of as I was bleeding all over the place was... well at least it's in a spot that wont interfere with my knitting!

    Loving those Felicis - I almost cast on with that colourway the other day, but I decided to go with something lighter.

  3. Statics’ matching stripes are serendipitous! Knit on

  4. Nice looks like lots of stress knitting!

  5. I've done the same thing for a finger sore from knitting--it works well! The socks look great and I really like the colors of the static yarn!
