Monday, April 26, 2021

The Absolute End


It's done, done, done, done.  I forced myself to crochet all that stupid decorative edging on yesterday. I finished up the ends of 3 audio books that I had started while I did it. It was no fun. I hated every stitch.

Since nothing really went right with this horror of a project it's quite fitting that the clasps I was so excited about wouldn't work. They were too long for the short bands of the placket.  I'll have to keep looking for smaller ones-later. Maybe next winter when I just may be able to look at this thing again. Maybe. 


  1. What a stunning Masterpiece! Such a gorgeous finish Deb. I hope you can find the right clasps (soon!!). Congratulations!!

  2. You did it--take a bow! It looks fantastic and the first really chilly day next winter, we'll see you wearing it! We never doubted you for a minute!

  3. Quite an accomplishment - it’s beautiful! I admire those who tackle such detailed and complex projects.

  4. That's too bad about the clasps, because otherwise it's just perfect! Absolutely stunning!

  5. That is so pretty Debbie. I'm so proud of you for doing the "dreaded crochet". :-) Sorry about the clasps but I know you're going to find something absolutely perfect.

  6. It is a beautiful piece! You did it!!
