Saturday, October 12, 2013

It Doesn't Get Scarier Than This

 I'm going to Rhinebeck. On a whim, The Mister and I bought tickets to take the train up and back for the day but the sweater I had been knitting for four years to wear there wasn't quite done. It needed to be steeked so I could sew in the sleeves. First I had to machine stitch the edges.

Then I had to carefully snip in between the seams. Oh....this was painful.

 One side done. One to go.

Now that I had the steeks cut and shoulders sewn, I could slip on the sleeves and try it on. Hmmmm....It looks like all that junk food I have been scarfing down went right to my middle. If I weighed what I usually weigh this thing would fit. The whole time I was working on it I swore it wouldn't. Maybe blocking will help give me another inch or so.

 I hate sewing in sleeves. Hate. Hate. Hate.

One down and one to go but I still have to pick up and knit the neckband. We are leaving on the 19th. I just might make it. Now if I could only lose ten pounds between now and then.


  1. YOu do not need to lose any weight. THAT sweater is amazing, glorious and a thing of pure beauty! WOWOWOWOw

  2. Stunning. Fits like a dream. Have another cupcake and relax it looks fantastic on you. I am in total awe. It is really beautiful. Praying for a chilly day.

  3. Eeek, cutting into your knitting like that must be heartbreaking, but it looks so much better on than in the flat photos. Beautiful.
