Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Woolly Wednesday: TdF 2013 Update

 Trying to wash and dye eight pounds of Merino during the Tour de Fleece has called for drastic measures.

I've even got The Mister helping. He has been dyeing the locks that I washed before I had decided on the color while I am dyeing the locks that still need washing.

Now if I could only get him to do some combing.......

...and carding....

...and dizzing....

....and spinning, I just might have a chance at finishing a skein before Paris.

 So far I've got this much on the bobbin...

...and this much on the floor.


  1. Well the kittens will love whats dropped on the floor. You need a bigger crock pot #1 and #2 I love that dusty color blue.
    your Mister is a very good sport.

  2. Oh I'm loving that color!!

  3. Welll I LOVE The color too! such a lovely soft blue.
    I am apparently knitting socks for the TOUR, but not the same socks all month..Im already changing yarns to day!

  4. Whoa, I'm so impressed you got The Mister to help. I have to practically beg for mine to count my stitches with "fresh eyes" from time to time. I probably should just find my glasses ;)I liked the process photos a lot -- being a non spinner. Cheering on your TDF!

  5. Very nice blues. I'm glad I'm not the only one who just lets the bits drop and hoovers up afterwards.

  6. Looks lovely, have fun spinning now x
