Sunday, July 21, 2013

An Evening in Paris

 Yesterday's stage was a nail biter, not only for the riders but for me as well. I really, really wanted to finish plying the last of the blue Merino before the winner crossed the line. I am happy to say that I made it just as the adorable Colombian, Nairo Quintana, struggled up the last mountain for not only the stage win but the King of the Mountain and the Best Young Rider jersey as well. In his first ever Tour he should be on that podium as well again this afternoon, hopefully in second place. Well done, little guy, well done.

While I haven't won zip this year in the Tour de Fleece competition, I did set a personal best for not only spinning but getting a project started while the Tour was still going on. Well done, me, well done.

And just in case you forgot where this project began, here is a reminder of how far I have come. It's not exactly the 2,115 miles the riders pedaled but it's been a long hard road for me too and I'm not done. I'll be plying the Polwarth from the spindle this afternoon when the riders make that historic night ride into Paris and probably shedding a tear over the fact that it is done for this year. Mornings are going to seem mighty boring.

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