After a day of preparation, I finally have enough fiber ready to spin. I have not one but two projects going. Jacob on the Traveler and Corriedale on the Ladybug. I am ashamed to say that is last year's unfinished TdF project on the Traditional in the background.

While watching on day one I combed one more basket's worth of pretty Jacob nests and ...

... cranked out one more Jacob batt made from the combing scraps on the drum carder.

Once I got started on the Jacob it was hard to stop spinning as watching the colors change is quite addicting. As for the Corriedale...it is...white. Lots and lots of white. Last year I spun lots and lots of white Cormo locks and it was not a lot of fun and it is still not finished. I should have dyed all those white Corrie locks. I may still.
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