Monday, February 10, 2025



A giant Amazon truck came down my driveway on Friday to bring me this. It's my Missouri Star order of Kaffe Fassett material to back the Crazy Quilt and a charm pack to start another. Since when does Amazon deliver packages for other sites? I'm trying to break my Amazon habit for many reasons and this did NOT make me happy. Their trucks tear up my yard and their delivery people toss my stuff everywhere but where I can find it. 
I'm over it.

I suppose I should just be happy the fabric got here because I got to spend yesterday wrestling with the darn stuff. 

It didn't go down without a fight. It took me four long hours. As beautiful as that Kaffe Fassett fabric is, it has that new fangled texture that doesn't hold its shape very well. It's got beautiful drape and is light as feather but it was a bear to keep straight as I went along. It's going to take a lot of work to keep it from puckering on the back. I sure miss that old quilting calico that was so stiff it could stand up by itself. I did read that you really should starch your backing but I have no idea how to go about that. I don't even know what starch is. 

Before I got started on that quilting misadventure I threw down a big towel and used the newly cleared table to give Pup that much needed haircut. 

Much better. We could have gone shorter but she was at the point of hysterics so we stopped here. We'll finish the job another day and get those toenails while we're at it. 


  1. As for the Kaffe Fassett fabric, it sounds like a beautiful (but tricky) project! I can imagine how challenging it was to work with such lightweight fabric that doesn’t hold its shape. I think starching is just a way to stiffen the fabric a bit—it's a spray you apply before you sew, but I understand it’s tricky if you’re new to it. Maybe a quick search on "starching fabric for quilting" will give you some tips on how to do it without ruining your fabric.

    And a dog haircut! That's a whole other adventure. Good for you for tackling it, even if Pup wasn't quite ready for the full trim. Hopefully, the second round goes a bit smoother!

  2. Great job on Pup! She looks great. Weird that Amazon delivered that package....

  3. I fear Amazon is taking over everything! I hope quilting proceeds without any puckers. Pup looks like she might be saying, "I can see!"

  4. I never know who is going to deliver packages, although I do prefer Amazon over USPS. They just leave the packages outside most of the time and many things have been stolen. That fabric is great looking although it sounds like a pain to work with.
    Pup is such a cutie patootie, and she knows who's boss at your house! So does Zoey. I just told Dennis this morning that I need to trim her nails today. She isn't a fan, but does mostly cooperate. She just acts like I'm cutting her feet off! :-)

  5. How pretty to see the new fabrics! Most of my Amazon comes through the regular mail-never the Amazon trucks-there were so many complaints in our deliveries, they were withdrawn! Pup looks great!

  6. I use MaryEllen’s Best Press and love it! It removes wrinkles from vintage linens and is an awesome starch. If you’re sensitive to fragrances, I recommend the unscented.
