Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Changing Direction


In case you've been wondering what ever happened to that scarf I was weaving, the answer is...NOTHING. I don't like anything about it so it's going to get a makeover as soon as I get home. Right now I'm on a babysitting gig at Daughter's. I should be home tomorrow. Right before I left on Monday some new yarn for it showed up. It's still not what I want color wise but it's a start. Why is everything I need ALWAYS out of stock?

The latest towel has been sitting here waiting to be finished and I finally got around to it on Sunday. It got snipped and hemmed and thrown in the wash.

It's going to need a couple more washes to settle down but all things considered it's not too bad. It's big. A few more inches and it could have been a scarf too. 

And....look what I'm missing out on while I'm up at Daughter's. The Mister sent me this photo late last night. We're getting snow up here too but nothing like this. I hope I can get home tomorrow.


  1. Ooh, I like those colors in the towel. I know you're having a grand time with the baby grand. Enjoy!

  2. We had snow overnight too. Enjoy your babysitting!!

  3. I would use a towel as bright and substantial as that one! It looks like your yarn is from Webs and I have given up on them for a while. I think that they were under new ownership and everything was out of stock. I got a "back in stock" email for one yarn I was planning on using for a blanket; when I looked right after I got the email there were two skeins. Safe travels home.

  4. I always love seeing your weaving!

    We're due to get more snow today and into tomorrow. This is the snowiest winter I can remember for a long time!

  5. Yes, babysitting as grandma is a wonderful time! The new towel is gorgeous! Have a safe trip home to your snowy ideas!

  6. Love the towel! And I hope the travel goes well.

  7. Wow, what a lot of snow! I love the new scarf; the colors are great. I am trying hard to work on WIPs and my yarn stash, but ever so often I can't resist some new stuff...
