Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Frozen in Time


If you visited my town on Monday you would have swore it was December. Everything Christmas was still in place due to the big snow. Yesterday it was finally all starting to come down. 

In spite of it being in the 40's all week, we've still got some snow in the shady areas. I'm sorry to see it go but I am glad I don't have to climb up the long, icy driveway anymore.

Our delivery people are probably not happy to have the driveway open again. We've been having them just toss our packages in the back of the truck that we use to block it off. My latest Knit Picks order showed up yesterday. They notified me that it was mailed out on January 2 and it just got here. 

Daughter gave me a gift certificate for Christmas and I used it to buy the Twin Rocks hat kit. The Grand that wanted the pompom hat might change his mind about those pompoms as he gets older and I thought this might make a good hat for a little boy for next winter. You get the materials for two hats in two colors in the kit. I haven't done cables in ages but I'm looking forward to giving them another go this summer. 

And.....the Regia 6 ply is also here. You should see The Mister's face whenever I get new yarn in the mail. He just doesn't get it. You never can have enough.


  1. All you have to do is visit a grocery store to see the parade of holidays speeding past! We've had Valentine's Day candy out since early January and I'm sure I'll be Cadbury eggs soon. I like that Twin Rocks Hat and your Regia yarns are both beautiful. Tell your husband that yarn is insulation!

  2. Pretty new yarn! We just undecorated our table top tree this past week! I have not yet put the stockings away because I have to repair one and we still have a few things out. The pinecone wreath Fletcher's Mom made is still hanging on the front door.

  3. Wow - I got my knitpicks order faster than you did! That's crazy

  4. What a fun box. I enjoy making cables although I haven't had a project with them lately. Love the regia and I"m so glad to see you have your driveway open again!
