Sunday, January 26, 2025



At the end of the year it seems like everyone was posting their reading totals for the year and I was astounded. 100 books? More than 100? How was that possible? I listen to my Audible books while I'm puttering but how does one find the time to just sit and read? I've got books I started years ago that I've never finished like this 700 plus pager. I could find time to stitch a very pretty bookmark for it but not to make the time to just read the darn thing. After giving it a lot of thought, I think I've finally found a reading time that involves a real book. Why didn't I think of it before? The Mister's nap time. Every night after dinner he heads downstairs to his recliner for a snooze. The house is quiet. The critters are quiet. It's perfect. I actually look forward to my quiet time now and I've finished two so far this year. 100 books might not be a thing for me but always having one in progress might.


  1. I have noticed that some of my friends say they have "read" a book when in reality, they have "listened" to a book. In my opinion, reading with my eyes and listening to a book are very different processes (I know many will disagree with me on this point). So I wonder how many people are actually reading a book vs listening to a book. Just my personal (possibly snarky) opinion...

  2. I definitely don't get as much time to read as I would like. I keep a book in my bathroom though... I try to read as soak in the tub (a nightly thing for me - helps my back)... and it's handy when you end up having a longer than expected toilet trip after eating too much cheese! Lol.

  3. Glad you found a reading time. It is a relaxing time for me to pick up an actual physical book and read.

  4. I have a paper book on the go all of the time, but mostly I prefer audio books so I can knit/crochet/stitch while listening. I also have about a 45 minutes to an hour every morning when I read my Bible. That counts as a book, right? Dennis reads through his Bible 5-6 times a year since he retired, before he averaged 2-3 times. He also always reads a book in bed for an hour or two before falling asleep. Right now, he's reading a Louise Penny book. Both he and Mandy have read all of her books as they have very similar reading interests and share books frequently.

    1. I just finished a Louise Penny book also. All the Devils are Here. The Mister started it and didn't care for it so before he returned it, I gave it a go and loved it. I have read her Still Life and wondered why I didn't read more of her work.

  5. I do most of my reading when taking my dog out. It gives him time to wander without me getting impatient.

  6. I luckily can knit while reading (almost anything!) so that is a go-to for me.

  7. I had to enlarge your picture to see what 700 pg book you were reading, and recognized it as Coming Home. That is an excellent audiobook if you ever feel like listening (still really long at 40+ hrs.) but I hope your new reading time works out.

    1. It is! I’d forgotten all about it on the shelf. I’m really enjoying it now and have no idea why I gave up on it. Maybe it was the size of the book. It is a bit awkward to handle.
