Saturday, March 18, 2023

On the Mend


In between cooking the various part of our St. Patrick's Day dinner I was gluing little shoes....

....and darning little sweaters. I'll tell you why tomorrow. 

Today I want to show off my St Patrick's Day dinner. I've been busy, busy, busy but I pulled it off for another year right down to the homemade soda bread. 

I can always count on The Mister to bring home dessert. No beer this year. No Irish Whiskey. The Mister's on the wagon because of his impending surgery. Today is MRI day. Good times. 


  1. Oh my gosh! That meal looks SOOOOO good. I've never made corned beef but I sure love it. Mom-in-law always made it. I sure miss it so may have to try next year.
    That's sure a cute sweater. Did you make it?
    Blessings and hugs,
