Friday, March 10, 2023

Friday Fluff


It's been a week. The kind of week that makes me want to pick up all my fluffy projects and disappear into them. I even picked up this old drop spindle project for a few quiet minutes which were hard to come by this week. Trying to schedule all of The Mister's pre-op appointments has been a nightmare and using one of my mom's favorite phrases he's been like "a bear with a sore a$$" all week. I spent yesterday on the couch with a headache. I may still be there today if we get one more call about filling out any more paperwork or re-scheduling anything.

I also found myself plying furiously and finished two more of the two ounce skeins of the Corriedale I dyed for Garter Squish in no time at all. 

I only have one braid left of the Corriedale to spin and since that is on the Ashford wheel the Ladybug was free for an adventure. Here is my first attempt at spinning cotton on a wheel. It's nothing to brag about but it's doable which surprised the heck out of me.

Maybe by the time I work my way through these three pretty four ounce bags of spinning cotton I just might have figured it all out. 


  1. I'm sorry you've had so much stress this week and I really hope the next few days brings calmness to your life. I think you found some fun things to relax yourself with though. I think the cotton spun up pretty nice. And your purple handspun is lovely. Take care of yourself.

  2. the fiber on your drop spindle is gorgeous!!

  3. Hope you get a little relief this weekend!
    We just got a load of more snow... :(

  4. Oh, I need to get some spinning in--the cotton is really different but also a good spin!!! Love your yarn works - sorry about the grouchy DH, it happens that they are usually poor patients!

  5. Hope things are calming down at your place by now. Your plying/spinning is always so impressive! Hugs from WA.
