Thursday, August 11, 2022

Random Thursday Chatter


For those of you waiting for fall, it came in a box for me yesterday. 

I had to order some batting and more white material for the Sunflower quilt's last outside border from Connecting Threads and when I saw those two Halloween fabrics that were on clearance I  knew they would make a perfect October apron. Sadly, many of my holiday aprons did not make it through the Big Itch. They were so ratty and worn I tossed most of them in hopes of making new ones. As for the white material, it's not a perfect match for the kit fabric but it'll do. 

Wasn't I just complaining about how much sock yarn I have? Well, this showed up yesterday too. Hot Yarns is my new favorite online yarn shop because they have all the cool stuff the vloggers on the other side of the pond have. I saw this on The Happy Knitting Podcast on YouTube and had to have it. Of course, it's not the exact colorway I wanted (I wanted the colorway she was knitting for her husband) but it'll do until that one comes back in stock.

And's still hot as blazes here but I'm still making cake-in the crock pot. I'm the queen of crock pot baking thanks to my dire oven situation. After two years of not having an oven I have to say I don't really miss it. I found this simple online recipe for Skinny Slow Cooker Apple Cake and have used it all summer with all kinds of ugly fruit that comes with my grocery pick up order. It's a really good little cake and even better... it doesn't heat up the kitchen. 


  1. Ha - I got some Hallowe'en fabric last week! No time to actually make anything with it right now... but I've got it!

  2. Pumpkins, pretty yarn and cake. What's not to love?

  3. Nice projects now and to anticipate in the near future!
