Monday, July 11, 2022

Ain't Life Grand


The Mister and I have been struggling to get the furniture put back where it belongs. We're not as young as we used to be so Daughter and SIL volunteered to come down yesterday to help us shift things around. That means.........

....the latest baby Grand came along for the ride. I haven't seen him in person since he was an itty bitty thing last winter.

While the big folk were dragging furniture up and down the stairs I wowed the little fella with my juggling skills. Cirque du Soleil I am not-but he won't know that for a few years yet. 


  1. Oh, he is darling! What a sweetheart and he looks quite impressed with your skills. I just know that your Grandma's heart was soothed and happy just having a little one to love on.
    And your house is taking shape again. Hallelujah!
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. What a cutie!! So nice that you had time to play with him.

  3. Oh, there's nothing like a boost from a grandson visit!!!! He is adorable! And you might have one area back to normal?!!!!!

  4. What a precious baby! Love the photos

  5. Getting work done and some baby giggles to boot! Sounds like a good day!

  6. What fun to spend time with a cutie!
