Saturday, September 10, 2016

Good Doggie

Dog sitting is a piece of cake with this big guy. He's as laid back as they come.

 He's so good I even ran off for a few hours to hit the nearby shops. He happens to live in Northern Virginia where there is no shortage of shops.

 I found this awesome shopping bag at Marshall's and I had no trouble filling it up.

 I stopped in a the grocery store and picked up lunch to go. Goat cheese and a fresh baguette. Mmmmm....

 Big Guy approved and helped me eat it.

He napped all afternoon while I tackled the chore of setting the sleeves in the gray cardi. I do love Pup and little Old Doggie but little dogs are such a pain. I've forgotten what it's like to have a dog that acts like a dog.


  1. What a cutie. My husband would agree about big dogs versus small dogs. I do love my Chloe but we've had small dogs I loved too. I'm so glad you're having a good time doggie sitting. We're going to have little Sophie tomorrow while Larry & Nita go up to Canada for the day.
    Now she's a little, tiny dog. All 4 lbs. of her! :-)

  2. I'll be doing some dog sitting myself here in about a week or so. Going to have the granddog for about a month or so. I love having her....she's way better behaved than my little hooligans.

  3. Oh what a sweetie. He sounds (looks) a lot like our Doodle Dog. I'm glad your doggie-sitting and shopping excursions went well!

  4. Sweet old guy! Enjoy your furry grand and a bit of stitching on the side!

  5. I think its GOLDEN thing.....
    just saying

  6. He's a handsome fella! I am generally a big-dog person (but they have their downsides too!), but your little pup is too cute for words!

  7. We have a big dog and he is the best, so easy going and fun to hug.
    Hugs to you,

  8. I do like dogs, but have never wanted to own one. It's a huge commitment!
