Soon to be Daughter in Law's bridal shower was Saturday.
Having a Caribbean themed party in the middle of a wet, dreary fall was too much fun.
We had lots of surprises planned for the Bride to Be including toilet paper dresses and hula hooping.
We had to do a lot of research to plan our Caribbean menu. I had to go to a lot of grocery stores in order to find some plantain chips but they were really good with the pineapple salsa.
Everything was not only yummy but pretty.
There were lots of sweets to end the day. I am still eating the leftovers this morning.
The little pails I painted made really cute flower arrangements.
We had floral straws that made the Bahama Mama wine coolers even more special.
The pina colada filled coconut cups were also a big hit.
Bride to Be had a car load of gifts to take home. These are only the ones that were here before the guests arrived. After the guests poured in, the pile was huge. It's a good thing she just bought a house with a big kitchen.
A big thanks to my sister and her husband for letting me host the party at her beautiful house- again!
What fun! I can't wait for the next shower...