Our little group gathered at A Tangled Skein last night. It was full of rambunctious fiber folk but we found our own little corner and settled into the Wednesday night Sit and Stitch.

Miss Prodigy brought along her latest FO. It was her Swallowtail. I don't think I ever saw a more pitiful unblocked piece of lace but somehow she coaxed it into a thing of beauty.
I was humbled by her mastery of the dreaded nupp.

I showed her my favorite way of tying a triangular shawl so your hands don't have to fiddle with it while you go about your business. We took turns prancing about in it.

Elsewhere there was a sweet little hat being born.

There was also someone who wasn't sure what was going on with their needles. I was feeling the same way. I am also in a knitting funk. The Peacock debacle still stings.

Over in happy knitting land, there were a lot of socks happening.

We got a big laugh out of the "nipple" toes on these two at a timers.

Deborah Norville earned a lot of admiration for her beautiful Gems colorway. I am pretty sure I have this in my own stash. Somewhere.

The unusual weekend snow had someone thinking about thick socks and Birkenstocks.

We ended the evening discussing the merits of double pointed versus circular sock construction with perfect strangers.

Knitting in a yarn shop is lots more fun than knitting in a cafe because you can leave home without a project and come home with a new one. I started some plain socks with some pretty Regia that I couldn't resist but now I am feeling like it deserves better. I am ripping it out today and restarting some Jaywalkers.
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